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Mixed-Use Building Architecture & Urban Design at Osterlund Architects

By definition, mixed-use buildings are any location with a diverse shared purpose. A new mixed-use building downtown can include ground-floor retail with street-front restaurants and stores, apartments and offices above, and efficient parking systems below. To be sustainable, a mixed-use building will be efficient in footprint and effective in moving people from top to bottom, from inside to outside and back home again.

We love mixed-use and multi-use building architecture and urban design projects; our business was founded on it. When we weren’t winning work, we were inventing work. We know all the empty parking lots in downtown Raleigh. When we see pavement, we see an opportunity for community. Mixed-use design in the city is sustainable. It connects density with transit and the infrastructure of the city, from public water systems to the latest broadband data providers. Mixed-use architecture is about bringing the world economy to you instead of commuting away from town; it’s about living, working and playing at home.

2421 Boyettes Preview Image Resize  0003

Boyettes Mixed-Use Development

Sustainable re-development of an infill property in the city core, including maintenance of the existing brick storefront façade and brownfield remediation. New development includes a full active restaurant and mezzanine floor, automated underground parking, with sixteen one and two-bedroom for-sale residential units above...

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1416 Person St Pharmacy Preview Image 2

Person Street Pharmacy

This renovation on a busy street corner includes a full café with new lighting, equipment, hood and counter. Just past the café is the new pharmacy layout with updated clinic and offices. The renovation continues to the food storage, dish service and office areas at the basement level.

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1401 OakCity Market Preview Image

Oak City Market

This project was a puzzle to design in an existing street level of a downtown  existing apartment building.  The concept originally was to contain a bar, brewery, market and  café.  A mezzanine area was to house a grain storage area for the brewery and market as well as office space for the staff.   The plan was to open up the space in phases while allowing each function to get off the ground.

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Osterlund Architects is a full-service architecture and interior design firm, committed to our clients and their work from concept through construction, and through to their next opportunity. Our firm has expertise in all project phases, including programming, pre-design and planning through construction administration and closeout, as well as interior design, including furniture, fixtures and equipment (FFE) services.

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